Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lending your car to your friend

We've all done this...either lent it out to a friend or borrowed one from them.  No problems, right?

Here's the problem.  You lend your car to your friend.  Your friend is in a car accident.  Who's responsibility is it for the damages?

Unfortunately, in most cases, you are as the owner of the car.  You will need to file a claim with your insurance company and you will be responsible for the deductible.  Okay, your friend says he/she will cover the deductible because they feel horrible.

It gets worse....a claim has been filed on your auto insurance and we all know what that means. Possible higher premiums because we know that Insurance Companies only want perfect drivers.  

Now it gets worse:  We've talked about understanding your policy and what it covers.  Let's say you have the minimum (Colorado) $25,000/$50,000.  Your friend who was driving your car had two other people in the car with them when the accident occurred. Now each person is entitled to the first number $25,000 max BUT since there were three in the car....the $50,000 kicks in and now that is divided between the three.  We talked about Single vs. Multi-Car accidents so let's assume this one was a multi-car accident.  Your friend hit a car that had two people in it.  Now that $50,000 is split between the five of you.  I don't know about you but my car accident medical bills far exceeded $10,000.  

Remember, in most cases, your insurance covers the car not the driver.  (Which really bothers me because it it the driver's credit and claim history that helps determines the premiums...but who am I, right?)  There are some occasions (check your state and insurance policies) that once your insurance has reached policy limits that your friends' insurance may kick in.  

Other factors that you need to consider:  
  • Negligence:  If you lend your car to someone you know SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING (example: intoxicated) and they cause an accident which results in may be at risk for a wrongful death suit.
  • Comparative Negligence:  Assigning blame through percentages.  If you auto insurance policy covers other drivers the claim may be split between your policy and the other vehicle's policy.  (Check your state and your policy)
When the policy limits have been exhausted the injured parties can now sue you personally.  Do you own a home?  Do you have any assets?  If you do they are vulnerable to a lawsuit.  All because your friend needed to borrow a car.  

I'm not saying don't lend your friend your car.  I'm saying if you do you need to know what responsibility you may have if there is a car accident.

Please check with an Attorney to know what your rights, responsibilities and possible outcomes of this situation may be.  Remember your auto insurance is there for your protection; just in case.....but they fight the claims.  Your best protection is knowledge and the best way to know your rights is to speak with an Attorney.

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

Been involved in a car accident?  Tell me your story.

The information provided here is not to be construed as legal advice.  Please consult an Attorney if you have any questions.  General questions about Colorado Personal Injury can be asked here and Carol Zeisler will gladly assist you in the proper direction for your situation. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Single car vs. Multi-car accidents

Winter is coming.  Means icy road and dangerous driving conditions.  

You are driving down the road and hit a tree.  No other vehicles are involved so you assume it is your fault.  Not necessarily true.  There are many factors that go into a single vehicle accident.  Road conditions being one of them.  

You are at a stop light with vehicles in front of you when you are hit from behind that causes you to hit the person in front of you.  (Ever watch domino's chain reaction?)  You didn't cause the initial accident...who is at fault.

Single vs. Multi-car accidents.  Which is harder to fight the insurance company?  That answer is not so simple....too many factors are involved:  One huge factor is the Insurance Company(s) that use the three D's when it comes to your claim:  Deny, Delay, Defense.  (Gotta love those great companies who were there for you before you signed on the dotted line, huh?)

Single Car Accidents:  No matter what the cause of the accident you are the one left to deal with the complications that arise from this: injuries, pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of wages, etc.  Never "assume" that this single car accident you were involved in was your fault.  Never negotiate with the Insurance Company without talking to a Personal Injury Attorney!!  It may seem simple as you were the only vehicle involved BUT it is never simple with the Insurance Company unless you are willing to take full blame and let their Attorneys decide for you.  (Remember their Attorneys have the Insurance Companies best interest).

Multi-Car Accident:  Seems simple, right?  You didn't do anything wrong, you were waiting at a stop light and YOU were hit from behind.  Wrong.  Remember the three D's:  Deny, Delay, Defense?  Remember previous blog about Contributory Negligence?  Were you to close to the car in front of you?  Dealing with a Multi-Car Accident has many obstacles:  You are now dealing with multiple Insurance Companies and their Attorney's who will all be looking for a way to "blame" you so you don't receive compensation (or less than the amount of compensation you deserve).   Again, talk to a Personal Injury Attorney who is there to fight for your rights!!!

Lesson of the day:  No matter what caused the accident, no matter how many vehicles are involved in the accident, no matter what the injuries are, no matter what happens:  SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY!  Think of Insurance Companies as shopping at a thrift market:  You will haggle to get the best deal, right?  Insurance Companies do not haggle; they Deny, Delay and Defend the claim.  Put the three D's on the Attorney's shoulders and you focus on getting healthy.

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

Been involved in a car accident?  Tell me your story.

The information provided here is not to be construed as legal advice.  Please consult an Attorney if you have any questions.  General questions about Colorado Personal Injury can be asked here and Carol Zeisler will gladly assist you in the proper direction for your situation. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

What affects your car insurance rates

Why do you pay so much more than your next door neighbor who drives the same car?  

Why do you pay more than your mother who drives the same type of car?  

What are the secrets to your auto insurance premiums?

Let's face insurance does discriminate.  

  • Single vs. married...yep.  If you are married you are more likely to pay less premiums than if you were single.  Also your job can affect your premiums.  
  • Those of you who are in, what the insurance companies view as, high stress jobs; Attorney, Judges, Executives, Business Owners, etc. will pay a higher premium than other jobs such as actors, scientists, pilots, etc.  They look at the more stressful your job is the more likely you are to get into a car accident.
  • Where you choose to live will also work in your favor or against you.  Those who live in urban areas will pay a higher premium than those who live in rural areas.  The justification; smaller towns mean less likely of getting into a car accident because there are less drivers on the road.
  • We are all aware that younger drivers pay higher premiums and I have to agree with this.  As we get older, or should I say more experienced, we become better drivers therefore reduce our accident rate.  Did you know that your sex determines your rates also?  If you are male, single and under 25 you will pay higher premiums than most everyone else.
  • Your credit history will determine your premiums also.  I am going to say that I do not agree with this, but who am I anyway, right?  The reasoning:  if you pay your bills on time and are not in "financial trouble" you are less likely to file a claim.  Here's my problem; what the heck does your credit history matter when you are involved in an auto accident?  But, again, who am I.
  • How much you drive will lower or raise your premiums.  Work 40 miles from your home...oops you will pay more than someone who works 5 miles from their home.
  • Your driving history.  Finally one I agree with......okay, agree with to a certain degree.  If you have multiple driving violations; DUI, speeding, etc. you get higher premiums because, yes, you chances of getting into a car accident is higher than those who don't violate the driving laws.  I, personally, do not want to pay the same premiums of those who cannot obey the driving laws.
So what can you do to lower your auto premiums?  Let's see, if you are a single male under 25, don't drive.  If you have a stressful job, quit and go work at McDonald's just make sure it is close to your home.  Pay your bills (okay you should do this anyway) and make sure that no matter what happens your bills get paid.  With the economy the way it is...I'm thinking if your auto insurance gets paid and a credit card doesn't...they would be happy and lower your premiums because you see them as "more important" but, again, what do I know?  And finally, move to a small town (hopefully they have a McDonald's there).  

I look at my premiums.  I have been in two big car accidents which NEITHER was my fault.  I have only those two blemishes on my record.  I have no speeding tickets on my record, no DUI's, nothing.  BUT because I have filed two claims: because I have under-insured and uninsured motorist coverage on my policy (which I pay for each month) my premiums are higher.  Why offer these types of coverage if you are going to be penalized if you use them....seriously whose fault is it that the person who hit you isn't adequately covered?

Stay tuned for more about Insurance secrets that you were probably not aware of.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Small accident, Big injuries

Some of the "smallest" accidents can cause the biggest injuries.  It doesn't take a semi truck to hit you head on to cause serious injuries.

How many times have you heard of a car that was totaled and the driver walked away without any injuries?  When this happens you say, "someone was very lucky."

How many times have you heard of a "fender-bender" and the driver sustained many serious injuries?  I know, when you hear of these you say, "Ya right, this person is milking the system."

Honestly, some of the "smallest" accidents can cause the biggest injuries. About my car was a little one....for the car that is.  For me....yes I was "looked at" as if I wasn't really hurt.... it wasn't until additional tests that were run that it was discovered I really was hurt (imagine that).

What is important to know when you are involved in a car accident is that NO MATTER how LITTLE the accident was go see a DOCTOR.

If you do require emergency care....make sure YOU or someone you trust knows what is going on and what treatment you are being provided.  Emergency Room Doctors are NOT specialists...they are there to SAVE YOUR LIFE.  It is essential that YOU or someone you trust knows what is going on.

Once you are out of the woods for a medical emergency GO SEE AN ATTORNEY!  Insurance companies are not "rich" because they pay all the claims.  Their first reaction to claims is to deny, deny, deny.  If your accident was "little" but your pain is will need an Attorney to fight for your rights according to your policy!  Insurance companies have Attorneys that will fight paying you.  No matter how "smart" you are "the person who represents him or herself has a fool for a client."  (I love this saying).  I consider myself a "smart" person.  But no matter how smart you are, no matter how much of the law you know...when it is personal emotions will eventually take over.  Hiring an Attorney keeps the emotional aspect of your injuries out of the equation and focuses on the facts...and the Insurance Companies will claim they "care" about your emotions but they only deal in facts.

Don't get the "experience" at the loss of your claim.  Attorneys have the experience already, they know how to fight the big insurance companies and get what you deserve!

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The State you live in determines what, if any, you get paid after a car accident

You are at a stop sign with your signal to turn left.  You look both ways, no one is coming, and proceed into the intersection....only to be hit on your drivers side from BEHIND.  The car who hits you is speeding and illegally passing in an intersection on the left side.  You stop and get out.  The driver does not have a drivers license or auto insurance.  You call your insurance company and file a claim under the uninsured motorist policy, no problem that's why you pay for it, right?  WRONG!  This is a true story of what happens after an accident because of your STATE LAWS.  The claim was denied under the reasoning of Contributory Negligence and the insurance company denied it because she should have checked her rear-view mirror to see if a speeding, unlicensed, illegally passing bonehead was there before she started her turn..!!! What this means is if you are found guilty, even by only 1%, you cannot recover ANY damages that were caused by the person who caused the accident.  Do you know if your state has this in place?  If not follow this link to see as there are currently five states who still have this in place.

Other states have adopted what is called the Comparative Negligence system which is broken down into several smaller systems:  This information is taken directly from the Personal Injury Lawyer Directory website.  

In a comparative negligence system, the injured party may still recover some of his or her damages even if he or she was partially to blame for causing the accident. Plaintiff’s financial recovery may be reduced, or even prohibited, depending how plaintiff’s actions caused or contributed to the accident. In states using a comparative negligence system, a jury or judge determines the proportion of fault to be assigned to each responsible party. Jurisdictions following a comparative negligence system will typically apportion the damages using one of three variations of comparative negligence:

  • Pure comparative negligence:   
    Presently, thirteen (13) states follow a pure comparative negligence system: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Washington. In a pure comparative negligence system, a judge or jury assigns a percentage of fault to each responsible party and then apportions the damage award accordingly. Using this system, an injured person may recover his or her damages even if the injured person was 99% at fault in causing the injury, with those damages reduced by his or her portion of the fault. For example, in a car accident between Dave and Debbie where Debbie was found to be 99% responsible, and the jury found that Debbie suffered $10,000 in damages, that award would be reduced by Debbie’s 99% fault in causing the injury. In the end, Dave would only have to pay 1% of Debbie’s damages, or $100 in this case.
  • Modified comparative negligence – 51% rule:   Thirty-three (33) states follow a modified comparative fault system. Similar to a pure comparative negligence system, a judge or jury assigns a percentage of fault to each responsible party and then apportions the damage award accordingly. From that point, depending on how the system is applied, if a plaintiff’s apportioned fault reaches a particular level, he or she may be completely prohibited from recovering a damage award.
Of the thirty-three states following a modified comparative fault system, the remaining twenty-one (21) states follow a 51% rule. In states following amodified comparative fault – 51% rule, an injured party can only recover if it is determined that his or her fault does not reach 51%. If the injured party was 50% or less at fault, he or she may still recover damages. In other words, a plaintiff may have caused half of the accident and still recover damages from the court, but if it is found that the plaintiff’s fault was responsible formore than half of the accident, that plaintiff is barred from receiving any damages determined by the court. Here, as in a pure comparative negligence state, a plaintiff’s recovery is reduced by the degree of his or her fault. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming follow the 51% rule.
  • Modified comparative negligence – 50% rule:  Of the thirty-three states following a modified comparative fault system, twelve (12) states follow a 50% rule. In states following a modified comparative fault – 50% rule, an injured party can only recover if it is determined that his or her fault in causing the injury is 49% or less. If the injured party’s fault level reaches 50%, he or she cannot recover any damages resulting from the accident. Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia follow the 50% rule.
Please note this information was taken directly from Personal Injury Lawyer Directory website and is not to be construed as legal advice.  Please find a Personal Injury Attorney in your state should you need any legal advice.  For Colorado I highly recommend Zeisler and Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC.  

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Exactly what do you tell your Personal Injury Attorney?

Everything!  I could end this here but I will go on to explain:

Don't "hide" anything from your Attorney.  What they don't know can come back and hurt you.

  1. Previous injuries:  You may not think it is important to tell your Attorney that you were in a car accident 10 years ago because your injuries are healed BUT if they are not aware of your past injuries than they can't fight the insurance companies when they tell them that your current injuries are pre-existing and aren't covered....and trust me the insurance companies will try.  Forewarned is forearmed.  
  2. Injuries since the accident:  If you are injured after your car accident you do not want that to cause problems for your current case.  Let your Attorney know of all injuries you sustain after the car accident so they can be prepared.
  3. How's your marriage?  Are you divorced or getting divorced?  If you were married at the time of the accident your spouse may be entitled to compensation and your Attorney needs to know this.
  4. Bills, Bills and more Bills:  They are a headache without a car accident and get even worse afterwards because you may have medical bills and may not be able to work.  If you have filed bankruptcy or thinking of filing tell your Attorney as your settlement could become part of your estate and your settlement could go to your creditors.
  5. Criminal History:  You may not think it is important that your Attorney knows you got a DUI seven years ago but the Insurance Company's Attorney will think it is important.  Most Criminal History will have no relevance to your case but you do not want your Attorney to be "surprised" by what is discovered.
Information is provided by Zeisler and Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC and is not to be construed as legal advice but for informational purposes only.

In order for Insurance Companies to avoid paying you...they have to find reasons not to.  Don't let any of those reasons be something that could have been avoided had you been honest and forthcoming with your Attorney.  And, don't think that your history cannot be discovered because to avoid paying our settlements Insurance Companies DO THEIR RESEARCH!!  Don't let your Attorney get caught by surprised. 

One very important warning:  If an Attorney says they can't represent you because of xyz, do not leave xyz out when meeting with other Attorneys.  XYZ may be something that the first Attorney is not experienced in fighting where another one is.  EVERYTHING about you is important for the Attorney to know.  I have said this before but it is worth repeating.  Don't hide anything from your Attorney.  They are there to FIGHT for you, you just need to provide them with all the ammunition that can be used against you.

Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

Tell me about your story.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What does your declaration page for you auto insurance really says

This one is fun.  Pull out your declaration page for your auto insurance and see what is actually covered and what it means:

This is a general overview of the definitions of what auto insurance really means.  For a clear understanding call your agent for details.  Know what your insurance will pay for, cover and will not BEFORE you get into a car accident. 

Liability Coverage/Bodily Injury Liability (Some know it as Liability; BI)
You are not covered:  Let me explain; This type of policy covers OTHER people's bodily injuries or death in which you may be found responsible.  This could be THEIR medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering.  HINT:  Have enough to cover yourself against in a lawsuit so your personal assets are protected.     Again, this type of coverage does not cover you or other people on your policy.  Required by most states.

Property Damage Liability (PD)
This type of policy covers you if your car damages someone else's property; most cases their vehicle but it could be their home/fence should you drive through it.  It will also provide you with a legal defense if they file suit against you.  Required by most states.

Physical Damage Coverage (Comp and Coll) or Comprehensive Coverage
Covers your vehicle and the damage to other vehicles in which you may have caused.  This usually covers stolen vehicles or damage from outside forces.  It will pay to have your vehicle (and others) fixed (minus your deductible).  States do not require this but if you have a loan on your vehicle, most likely, your lender will require it.

Collision Coverage (Coll)
This is when someone or something else hits your vehicle.  This coverage will fix your vehicle (minus your deductible).  States do not require this but if you have a loan on your vehicle, most likely, your lender will require it.

Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UNDUM)
Covers you, members of your household and your passengers for injuries and/or death caused by another person's negligence.  This coverage pays when the negligent person does not have enough coverage through their policy.

Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD)
This coverage is for your property when it is damaged by a negligent person who does not have insurance.  If you do not have collision coverage (Coll) you may have a limit on how much is paid for repairs.  If you do have collision coverage than this would pay for your deductible only (in some States...please check your State for complete details).

Underinsured Motorist Property Damage (UNDPD)
Covers your property when the negligent party does not have sufficient coverage on their policy.  As with the Uninsured Motorist coverage some states have a max this will pay for and if you have collision, this will pay for your deductible (in some States).

Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

Tell me about your story...did you learn too late about your auto insurance policy?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Words that can hurt you after a car accident...more than your injuries

You are driving down the street and the next thing you know you are face in your airbag.  You've been hit by someone.  You don't know what happened.  What should you do?

Keep your mouth shut!!
"Insurance companies didn't get to be $15 billion and $20 billion (companies) because they give money away," says John Smith of Morgan Hubble Smith Insurance, based in Columbus, Ohio.
What happened? Is usually the first question asked by the first responders; police, fire department, paramedics, EMT's, witnesses to the accident, etc.  What you say can be twisted to whatever the insurance company wants, remember they didn't get to be a $15 billion dollar company because they want to take care of you!

No matter what the situation is.....keep your mouth shut.  When the adjuster comes out...keep your mouth shut.  They are looking for "key" words or phrases that can and will be used against you.  Don't discuss anything personal: "I just lost my job" or "I just broke up with....." NOTHING!!
"People talk too much. Your best advice is to make sure everyone is OK and then say nothing," says Smith, who's been in the insurance industry for 27 years.
Car accidents are a very stressful situation to be in.  It is natural to "talk" because you are nervous. don't want what you say to hurt your claim and, trust me, if they can manipulate what is said, to their advantage, they will.

Don't apologize...this can be construed as an admission of guilt.  I have been in two car accidents, neither of which was my fault, and I can tell you...the first thing out of my mouth on the first one was "I'm sorry" meaning just that...not that I was guilty but I was sorry the accident happened.  That was a hurdle that we should not have had to jump through....but it did teach me for the car accident that happened later.  

So, what can you do? 

  • Get to a safe place
  • Make sure everyone is okay
  • Call the police and, if needed, an ambulance
  • Have your driver's license, registration, and auto insurance (Everything they need to know about you is on these items)
  • Call an Attorney
Learn from other's mistakes!  

If you are injured in a Colorado car accident I highly recommend (from personal experience):

Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information.

If you have a horror story about your car accident or if you have hired Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC please tell me about your experience.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Understanding MedPay?

The more I treat the more I get.....not true.  Insurance companies have a pre-determined amount that each injury is if you treat the injury more than you should than less money will come to you....unless you have a powerful Attorney to fight this!

Gotta love Colorado:  You are allowed to "sign off" on MedPay. 

MedPay:  A type of auto insurance covering medical and funeral expenses resulting from an accident for the policyholder and any passengers riding with the policyholder. MedPay also covers the policyholder for any accident in which he is a pedestrian. MedPay provides coverage regardless of who is at fault. ( 

Here's what most people do not know....

.......MedPay is PAID BACK out of your settlement....UNLESS you have an Attorney who fights for you.  When I was told this, honestly, I was shocked!! 

When you sign on for auto insurance and do not "opt out" you are automatically signed up for $5,000 MedPay (Colorado....please check your state policies).  

The good thing about MedPay is it kicks in immediately.  The bad thing is it is not closely looked at so if you visit an "unscrupulous" Doctor your MedPay can be used up very quickly....and as I said is normally paid back out of your settlement.

We talked about Policy Limits so let's assume you have the Colorado minimum requirements of $25,000/$50,000 with $25,000 MedPay.  The person who hits you has the same minimum policy limits.  You are seriously injured and your MedPay is exhausted.  You have to have surgery and will have scars the rest of your life.  Bye Bye settlement.  

First thing you need to do is check what your policy limits are.
Second check what your MedPay is.
Third:  If you are ever injured in a car accident TALK TO A Personal Injury Attorney.  They will fight for your MedPay and they will have referral Doctor's that won't abuse the MedPay so you have more money for treatment.

Previous blog on MedPay

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Understanding Policy Limits

You are hurt in a car accident.  You have car repairs, medical expenses, you cannot work...your car insurance should pay, right?  Yes they should BUT what they pay is based on you.  It's called policy limits and you decide what they will be when you get car insurance.

For example:  In Colorado all driver are required to carry $25,000/$50,000 but what does this mean?

The first number is easy:  This is the number that is allowed per person in a car accident.  The second number is the tricky part...this number is the TOTAL amount that is paid per occurrence.  What this means is if there are four people hurt in a car accident the $50,000 is divided between the four; $12,500 per person.  This number is regardless of how many people are hurt.  Imagine a five car pileup.....12 people are injured....this is not a lot of money to go around.

Now comes the uninsured/underinsured  (UM/UIM) coverage.  In Colorado you can waive this in writing but for the few extra dollars it is well worth the money.  My personal example; I was hit by a person who carried only the required amount 25/50.  $25,000 didn't even come close to what I needed for my injuries.  This is where my UIM (underinsured motorist kicked in and my insurance company paid the difference.  

I will admit until I needed it, I didn't understand then, it's too late.  After my car accident and the information provided to me by my Attorney, Carol Zeisler, I changed my policy.  When I went in to discuss this with my agent I was surprised at the little difference it made in my premium amounts.  

No one wants to be in a car accident.  Most of us take care when driving so we aren't involved in a car accident....but they happen no matter how much care you take when driving.  One trip to the grocery store, to work or going home.....five seconds later your life can change.  

Ask yourself this:  would $25,000 pay for a lifetime injury in your life?  Know your policy, know what it means to you and if you are ever in a car accident....hire an Attorney. 

Next conversation will be about MedPay.  Hope you stay tuned.

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorney at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information

Please tell us about your story.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

One person's story the Insurance Company's denial of responsibility

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Progressive’s betrayal of woman after fatal car crash could happen to you

Paying auto insurance  premiums is no guarantee that Progressive Insurance keep its promises after you’ve  been injured

Progressive Insurance could betray you in the same way it betrayed comedian Matt Fisher’s sister, Kaitlynn Fisher, after her car crash.  Sadly, this is the same way Progressive has been betraying people I’ve been helping for years.
After years of accepting, cashing and depositing Ms. Fisher’s dutifully paid premiums for “Underinsurance Motorist Benefits,” Progressive Insurance used Ms. Fisher’s premium dollars to hire a lawyer to contest her “underinsurance” claim by “defending” the truly at-fault driver and blaming Ms. Fisher for the car crash that took her life, despite overwhelming evidence that the other driver had caused the crash that took Ms. Fisher’s life.
The above story is taken directly from: Michigan Auto Law blog
Remember...paying your premium does not guarantee that you will be paid when you need it most.  This story, if you keep reading, Progressive lost in the end....but as Steven M. Gursten states in his blog: 
"In the end, the truth won out. Progressive’s betrayal failed to pay off.  But the disturbing part is that they tried. They chose to do this."
Never doubt, for one second, they will spend $75,000 to defend against paying you $100,000 they will do it which is why you need an ATTORNEY from the beginning of your claim.  Click Steven M. Gursten's blog and read the evidence.....Kaitlynn Fisher did not cause the accident but the Insurance Company STILL FOUGHT to pay the claim.  

You can say all you want that Lawyers are "not good people" and you can say that Lawyers don't care about you they care about the $$$$$.  If this is how you feel about's because you didn't have a good experience with one.  Find one that KNOWS their field of practice, KNOWS their clients, KNOWS the laws and fights for YOUR rights.  When you find this Attorney your views will change.  Insurance Companies promise to be there for Attorney makes them keep that promise.....Who is really on your side?

Let's face it:  You have to have car insurance.  I would rather have them laugh at me when I pay my premium saying, "ya, let's hope you never need this because we know what's in the fine print" than to have them promise to take care of me and when I need them....they act like we've never met.  Knowledge is power.  If you know this you will be better prepared if you are involved in an accident.

Special thanks to Steven M. Gursten for the use of his story.  

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

What won't get paid after a car accident...

Insurance Companies:  They are so friendly when you sign up.  They are so friendly when you pay your premiums.  They are so friendly.....until it's time for them to follow up with their promise.  Their promise to pay if you ever have a claim.  When this happens there is so much in the fine print....not covered because of......this gets filled in by the Insurance Companies:

Did you know....

  1. that in some states your insurance will not pay UNLESS you were wearing your seat belt at the time of the accident?  
  2. that in other states ONLY your medical bills will be paid unless you were wearing your seat belt at the time of the accident?
Information generously provided by Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC 
and should not be construed as legal advice.  This is information only.  Please check your state laws and your insurance company's policy in regards to this.

In both of these incidents....NO PAIN AND SUFFERING is allowed unless you were wearing your seat belt at the time of the accident.

Did you know that what you say after an accident is like being read your Miranda rights?
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”
Even though car accidents are civil and Miranda rights are criminal...don't kid yourself:  Everything you say can and will be held against you!!

So what can you do?  Hire an Attorney!  Let me say that again, HIRE AN ATTORNEY!!  It is not your job to understand the laws of your state when it comes to car accidents!!  It is not your job to understand the tricks that are applied to get you to say something that will hurt your case. It is the job of an Attorney!! 

My suggestion is if you are ever involved in a car accident, if you are not in a medical emergency and are not transported to an emergency room your first call is to a reputable Attorney.  I suggest finding one that only handles Personal Injury cases...but that is my opinion.  

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorney at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A compassionate Personal Injury Attorney; Carol Zeisler and here's why

Please click and listen to this song when reading this.

"Carol grew up in the heart of the midwest. She knows and understands people. At the young age of 11, a tragedy completely uprooted Carol's life. Her beloved mother was killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. This tragic event would be the catalyst for Carol eventually realizing her dream of helping people whose lives are affected by extreme difficulty. The challenges Carol faced throughout her young life would aid her in becoming more attuned to the tragedies we all face on a day-to-day basis.

Confident that becoming an attorney would allow her to help people affected by situations beyond their control, Ms. Zeisler entered law school. Ms. Zeisler received her J.D. from University of Iowa College of Law. The same year, Ms. Zeisler began a storied career in personal injury law in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She would eventually bring her business to Pueblo, Colorado in an effort to serve more people in their struggle to obtain justice in complicated personal injury cases.

Zeisler and Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., prides itself on customer service. In a day and age in which personal injury attorneys do not maintain the best of reputations, Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., works everyday to earn and maintain the respect of our clients.

Ms. Zeisler is tough with insurance companies and sensitive to the needs of our firm's clients. The insurance claims process is often long and difficult, but our staff has seasoned experience in battling those companies that may not always have your best interest in mind. Each of our clients has a personal story of struggle, and it is our duty to pursue justice for them all."

(This story is from her website)

I was referred to Carol after my car accident. She not only walks the walk but talks the talk!  When you are in a car accident you go through many struggles both physically and emotionally.  When my car accident happened everything good in my life stopped; I was in constant pain, my marriage, although it wasn't "good" to begin with, became even worse.  I cannot count the times Carol spent on the phone with me listening to my troubles and telling me that I could call her should I ever need her.  Carol knows each and every client personally!  Carol takes each and every case as if it was her own!  What her website says about her is true....what drives her, what keeps her going, what her passion all about is wanting to help others.  It has been years since my car accident and Carol is still in my life.  Can you say that about your Personal Injury Attorney?

Want to have a Personal Injury that has two complete and separate personalities:  Compassion for you and Pit Bull with the Insurance companies:  Call Carol and experience what Personal Injury Attorneys SHOULD be.

If you have been keeping up with the blogs for Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC you now understand why her need to help others is so great.  If you haven't been keeping up with them click here to read more.  This is her part of the solution; being the best advocate for you!!

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorney at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website for more information

Monday, September 3, 2012

Part of the problem or part of the SOLUTION! Little things YOU can do

Going down roads is difficult no matter where or how you travel.  It is up to each of us to travel a road that we can travel back down with our head held high.  Too often we are cruel or rude to people without knowing the real story.  The last few posts I have placed some very powerful songs; Don't Laugh at Me, The Road YOU leave Behind and the Chain of Love.  All these songs fit today's story.  You can make a difference in someone's life.  You can be the person who saves someone's life.  Whatever road you choose to take please remember you will have to travel that road make the scenery beautiful!

Stories like this, always have a way of putting the right perspective on life.

Jean Thompson stood in front of her fifth-grade class on the very first day of school in the fall and told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the same, that she would treat them all alike. And that was impossible because there in front of her, slumped in his seat on the third row, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkept and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy was unpleasant.It got to the point during the first few months that she would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then marking the F at the top of the paper biggest of all. Because Teddy was a sullen little boy, no one else seemed to enjoy him, either.At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last. When she opened his file, she was in for a surprise. His first-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright, inquisitive child with a ready laugh." "He does his work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around."His second-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."His third-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy continues to work hard but his mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."Teddy's fourth-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class. He is tardy and could become a problem."By now Mrs. Thompson realized the problem, but Christmas was coming fast. It was all she could do, with the school play and all, until the day before the holidays began and she was suddenly forced to focus on Teddy Stoddard.Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper, except for Teddy's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of cologne. She stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume behind the other wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to."After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing, and speaking. Instead, she began to teach children. Jean Thompson paid particular attention to one they all called "Teddy."As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. On days where there would be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne. By the end of the year he had become one of the smartest children in the class and...well, he had also become the "pet" of the teacher who had once vowed to love all of her children exactly the same.A year later she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that of all the teachers he'd had in elementary school, she was his favorite. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still his favorite teacher of all time.Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson she was still his favorite teacher.Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still his favorite teacher, but that now his name was a little longer. The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M.D.The story doesn't end there. You see, there was yet another letter that Spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering...well, if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the pew usually reserved for the mother of the groom. And guess what, she wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And I bet on that special day, Jean Thompson smelled just like...well, just like the way Teddy remembered his mother smelling on their last Christmas together.THE MORAL: You never can tell what type of impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack of action. Consider this fact in your venture thru life.  (Thank you RogerKnapp.com for this story) 
You can save a life!!!  Need motivation to do so?  Watch and can do it.  
"Be the change you want to see in the world"  ~Mahatma Gandhi

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