Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Motorcycle safety: Inattentional Blindness

"inattentional blindness". Put simply, it means that if you are not expecting to see something, you won't see it. (Motorcycle Council of NSW, Inc)

According to the Motorcycle council of NSW, Inc. Almost Two out of Three (61%) multi-vehicle crashes involving a motorcycle the "other" driver was at fault.  If the multi-vehicle accident happened at an intersection that percentage is raised to 71%. 
Great messages from the Motorcycle Council of NSW, Inc:

"There is also evidence that drivers who lack awareness of motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in crashes with motorcycles (Hurt, 1981)."

"Lack of attention and driver attitude to the driving task are also major road safety issues. Poor driving practices such as changing lanes on curves and failing to maintain crash avoidance space or to check over the shoulder are compounded when drivers divide their attention between other tasks such as eating or using mobile telephones."
"These findings are important and suggest that motorcycle crashes could be reduced by changing motorists expectations and perceptual behaviour. This could involve changing road safety messages to be more specific by establishing patterns of expectation with lists and labels. Rather than exhorting drivers to look to see if anything is coming, the message should be, for example to check for any "motorcyclists". Such strategies could have a major impact particularly on the 55% of all multi-vehicle motorcycle crashes that occur at intersections."
We have all been saddened by Officer Matthew Tyner who died recently, in the line of duty, while riding his motorcycle and through his death maybe we can raise awareness of our actions when we are behind the wheel.

When you do not pay attention a person riding a motorcycle could pay for it with their LIFE!  This 20 second video shows you how quickly not doing YOUR job as a responsible driver can cause devastating outcomes.  This happened at an intersection and although the statistics show it is 71% the fault of the driver...in this situation the other driver is 100% WRONG!

Please drive safe and watch for motorcycles.

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