Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Understanding a jury trial in your Personal Injury Case

You were hurt.  You still are.  You have medical bills piling up.  You are falling behind on your regular bills.  You cannot go back to work.  All this leads up to "I don't want to settle, I want to take them to court."

There is a misconception out there that Attorneys want to settle you case because it is easy money. This is far from the truth.  The truth is....there are way to many factors that come into play when you put your case in front of a jury.  If you haven't already read the blog about the process of a Personal Injury Case click HERE.

I want to talk about why you do not want to go in front of a jury in most cases:

If a case gets to a jury what you neglected to tell your Attorney will come out.  When the settlement is denied you have no more secrets so what you "forgot" to tell you Attorney....will be discovered.

People on the jury are normal people.  Let's face it; we have all either been in a car accident or know someone who has.  We all have our personal feeling about that.  For most, the settlement received wasn't enough to compensate us for our injuries.  You may think this will work in your favor as the plaintiff but "I didn't get that much for my injury...." will come into play.

You, the plaintiff, are on trial.  Don't look too nice because if you do; you aren't hurt.  Don't not look nice because if you don't; you aren't respecting the court.

Ever want to feel bad about yourself?  Be the plaintiff in a civil action.  Being in 3rd grade and bullied on the playground will seem like summer camp.

The truth...Did I already say that.  What you thought you could "get away with" between you and your Attorney WILL COME OUT at the worst possible time.  Let the jury see the surprise element come out.  Attorneys are able to hide the "tells" of their emotions, you aren't so the jury will see your reaction to the information.  

I know, I know....all of this shouldn't matter YOU ARE HURT and will be for a lifetime.  The fact is going to trial is a very dangerous thing.  Should your Attorney support your decision to go to trial then, and only then, should you go forward.  This means that your Attorney believes you have a SOLID case and the jury will be sympathetic towards you.  

If you and your Attorney are going to take your Personal Injury case to court:
LISTEN very carefully to what they tell you.  Do not improvise.  Do not do/say less.  Do not do/say more.  

Here's the thing....When a Personal Injury Attorney takes a case to trial it will boil down to YOU.  A PI Attorney DOES NOT agree to a trial unless the FACTS support going to trial.  Winning or Losing will be determined on the jury and how they feel about you.

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorney at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website.

Pueblo Office: 113 W. 12th Street  (Map it)

Colorado Springs Office:  422 E. Vermijo Ave., Suite 412 (Map it)

The information provided here is not to be construed as legal advice.  Please consult an Attorney if you have any questions.  

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