Lets begin with the three types of distractions:
- Manual: Taking your hands off the wheel
- Visual: Taking your eyes off the road
- Cognitive: Taking you mind off driving
You are 23 Times more likely to be involved in a crash if you are texting vs a non-distracted driver.
37% of brain activity is REDUCED while driving and using a cell phone.

Now we need to re-visit the types of distraction and compare it with texting:
Manual: you hand(s) are off the wheel to text.
Visual: it doesn't matter how good you are at texting you will still have to take your eyes off the road to text.
Cognitive: I have received texts and thought "was any thought put into this text" but lets face it...to write you must think and when doing this you are taking your mind off your driving.
Imagine sitting at a Bronco game...now imagine the length of the football field. That is how far you drive in the average 4.6 seconds, going 55 miles per hour, it takes to send or receive a text.
Texting and driving is illegal in Colorado. To find out what the laws in other states are visit Distracted.org.
Let's be honest, cell phones have made our lives easier: we can conduct business between meetings, we can find our children easier, we can schedule our appointments, we can facebook, we can let our family know we are running late...and it can kill us! Something so simple, something that we NOW KNOW will save lives yet we just don't understand the dangers because "it will never happen to us." It may not have happened to you...but to the 18% it did happen to it is REAL.
In 2010 there were 3092 FATALITIES involving distracted drivers....there were 416,000 INJURED because of distracted drivers. These numbers are REAL....and just because it hasn't happened to you I am sure if you look around you know someone who it has happened to.
It is right there, the facts are REAL....and it is so simple to fix the problem.
Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys At Law, PC wants everyone to be safe. Please don't allow distraction to decide your future.
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Information provided by Distracted.gov
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