Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Car Accident step by step process Part 3: What not to do

Social Networking.  What would we do without it.  Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and blogs.  It's the newest way to communicate.  

Although I believe nothing "personal" should ever go into any of these venues some feel it is necessary to tell the world about what is going on in their lives.  Okay that is fine unless you have been in a car accident.

Let me tell you a story about a man who was "hurt" on the job.  This was before the Facebook craze but it will give you an idea of the measures insurance companies will go to NOT to pay you.  He had been out of work, on workman's comp, for about six months.  Yes he was hurt.  On his wedding day (which was in a very public place) pictures were taken of him doing things that a "hurt" man could not do.  These pictures were used to close the case.

Now add Social Media to the "picture."  (hehe get it....picture)

You are hurt in a car accident.  You claim you are injured (not saying you are not). Facebook is NOT your friend.  I cannot tell you how many times my picture had ended up on total strangers (I'm in the background).  If you are dancing, snow or water skiing, lifting weights at the have just given the insurance company "proof" you are not hurt.

Let me tell you this.  I was hurt in a car accident.  I was hurt.  I had good days and I had bad days.  On those good days we want to enjoy life because those bad day are BAD.  The good days do not mean you are not hurt but if the pictures on Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, MySpace show you "not hurt" on those good days....what's the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words."   There are never pictures of you on these venues showing your bad days. Who wants pictures of you on the couch, right?  

If you are hurt in a car accident I strongly suggest you halt all social media.  If you cannot do that set all your setting to FRIENDS only.  Not friends of friends, not public, FRIENDS only!  Pictures are never a good idea even if your settings are friends only.  Public places are just that...PUBLIC!  Remember the story I told you about the man at his wedding?  Even on your good days don't go crazy out in public.

I sounds like I'm saying do not enjoy yourself EVER.  I'm not saying that.  I'm saying anything you say or do can and will be used against you.  

Being hurt in a car accident is hard enough on us.  Don't add problems to your case that ARE avoidable!!  Don't hand the insurance company ammunition to deny your claim. 

Like Zeisler & Associates, Attorney at Law, PC on Facebook or visit their website.

Pueblo Office: 113 W. 12th Street  (Map it)

Colorado Springs Office:  422 E. Vermijo Ave., Suite 412 (Map it)

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